Counseling Children Responding to an Invitation

In ministry to children it is important that we are confident in how to respond to children in various counseling situations. In children’s ministry programs such as Sunday School, Children’s Church, Good News Clubs, and other such programs where an invitation is given; it is imperative that there is a strategy to address the various…


Our local association newsletter had a section recently that listed six secrets of a turnaround church. Thom Rainer, president of Lifeway Christian Resources, conducted a survey of churches that were in decline and experienced a great turnaround. From that survey these six things were evident in every church that made a turnaround: They became highly…

Why I believe in door-to-door evangelism

WHY is an ongoing evangelism ministry so important in the local church? Many questions are raised today concerning the proper strategy for winning the lost to Christ. The honest answer to those questions is simply the fact that there is no ‘perfect’ strategy. There is no specific right or wrong way to bring the Gospel…