Generational Differences in the Church

                  Generational differences and frustrations have been a part of life since the beginning of time. Every generation is different. Each generation develops their own culture and their own worldview. In the church, each generation sees things through the lenses of their specific cultural influences. For example, older generations may tend to be more…


Our local association newsletter had a section recently that listed six secrets of a turnaround church. Thom Rainer, president of Lifeway Christian Resources, conducted a survey of churches that were in decline and experienced a great turnaround. From that survey these six things were evident in every church that made a turnaround: They became highly…

Traditional Church – The way church used to/should be

Questions abound as to why churches across America are in decline. Many have suggested that the church is not relevant enough to today’s society. As a result we do see young people leaving the traditional church and flocking to the emerging church movement. We have mistakenly attributed this to things such worship styles, attire, and…

Sustained Health of the Church

There are many thoughts and ideas concerning what makes a healthy church. It is important that the church seeks sustained health rather than extreme growth spurts. Let me explain. Considering numbers is important. The main reason to consider numbers is that every number represents a soul. Therefore, it is important to work to increase the…

5 things the church MUST be committed to (and I am committed to)

Recently I spent some time listening to a message from John MacArthur that he preached back in 1983. The message was a part of a series that he preached on the anatomy of the church. In that first message, he mentioned 5 things that the church must be committed to. I agree wholeheartedly with MacArthur’s…

Why should I go to church? Part 2

The Bible clearly teaches us the importance of church attendance. There are many principles given to us in scripture that shows us the need to gather together with other believers for worship. There are several reasons as to why we should go to church; however, there are two reasons that I would like to focus…

Why should I go to church? Part 1

I have decided to write a blog series on the importance of attending church. To begin with, I would like to share some quotes on a more lighter note regarding church attendance. I hope these will be an encouragement to you. Some will convict you and some will bring tears and others will make you…