Holiness and Wisdom

Many people at the start of a new year will pick one word that they focus on for that year. I am not accustomed to doing that myself every year, however, this year there are two words that I am focusing on and praying for in my life. Those words are: holiness and wisdom.

               Above all else, my desire for 2024 is that I would be holy. Right living invites God’s hand of favor on our lives. However, God’s favor is not the purpose for living a holy life. The motivating factor for living a holy life is not to have God’s favor. The motivating factor for living a holy life is my love for Jesus. The more I love Jesus, the more holy I will be. The love I have for Jesus comes from His love for me. “I love Him because He loved me first.” I am not the one that sought Jesus. He sought me. I am not the one who pursues Jesus. He pursues me. It is His love that draws me to Him. It is His love that compels me to want to know Him more. As His love grows in me and the more I understand His love for me, the greater my love for Him grows. The more I love Him the more holy I become. Therefore, my quest for holiness is not found in having more rules and boundaries in my life. My quest for holiness is found in knowing Jesus more. So in 2024 my prayer is that I would spend more time with Jesus. Study His Word more. Pray more. Spend less time being entertained with the things of this world and spend more time in personal time with Jesus. Lord, make me holy in 2024.

               The other word I am focusing on this year is wisdom. As many of you know some really big things has happened in my life recently. The biggest thing is becoming the Senior Pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Mount Juliet Tennessee. I am excited and humbled by the great opportunity that God has given me. Great things are ahead along with great challenges. I am praying that God will grant me wisdom in leading Victory Baptist in being a God-honoring missional church. I am praying that God will grant me wisdom to pour into our staff and help them to be the best they can be for God’s glory in their area of ministry. I am praying for the wisdom to manage my time well and know when and how to say no or yes at the right time and in the right way. I am praying for wisdom for each moment of the day and for every conversation I have. I pray that I will listen more than I speak and that when I do speak, my words would be God-honoring and influential.

               Holiness and Wisdom. By the grace of God, I know that if I can grow in these two areas, God will do great and mighty things in and through me as Pastor of Victory Baptist Church. What has the Holy Spirit laid on your heart that you need to grow in this year?

2 thoughts on “Holiness and Wisdom

  1. Amen Pastor. Such an encouraging word. May God in His infinite wisdom and mercy grant us all more wisdom and help us grow in Holiness thru and in His Precious Son Jesus. Congratulations. Thank you.

    • Great news abour becoming senior Pastor at your new church. I too seek God,s wisdom. I was told several years ago that wisdom is knowledge under control. Your brother in Christ Jesus Ron Webster

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