The Joy of the Gospel – Philippians 1:12-30

When the angels appeared to the shepherds announcing the birth of Jesus it was said, “Behold I bring you tidings of great joy.” The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ. It encompasses the entirety of God’s Word. It is a joyous Gospel. There is no greater joy found than in knowing Jesus. Paul…

Stewardship: Time

1 Corinthians 4:2 says, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” A steward is one who cares for that which belongs to someone else. It must be understood that everything we have is a gift from God. We own nothing. It all belongs to Him. Therefore, we are stewards of…

The Joy of Growing Together – Philippians 1:1-11

The book of Philippians was written around A.D. 61 or 62 by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Philippians is a letter written to the church in Philippi during the time Paul was imprisoned in Rome. Paul had visited Philippi on his second missionary journey. While there, many trusted in Christ…

Fight the Good Fight – 1 Timothy 6:11-16 & 20-22

As we conclude our study in the book of First Timothy, we see Paul giving Timothy some final words of encouragement. He encourages Timothy to stay faithful in the ministry that God has called him to and to fight a good fight. Paul gives Timothy five basic demands that Timothy must adhere to until Jesus…

Principles for Life – 1 Timothy 6:1-10 & 17-19

Previously we looked at 1 Timoty 5:17-25 and saw some basic principles for the church. As we turn our attention toward 1 Timothy 6, we learn some basic principles for life. The way we live and conduct ourselves in the world is vital to the impact we may have on the world for the cause…

Principles of Respect and Care – 1 Timothy 5:1-16

The last two chapters of First Timothy provide practical instructions for our conduct and relationships to one another in the church. J. Vernon McGee says, “Both chapters 5 and 6 deal with this very practical matter of the duties of officers in the church. This gets right down to the nitty-gritty of church life today.…

Be an Example – 1 Timothy 4:12-16

Timothy was a young and inexperienced pastor. Paul wrote to Timothy to encourage him in his work as pastor of the church at Ephesus. “This youthfulness may provide an excuse for some to look down on Timothy and on his instruction (cf. Tit. 2:15). Paul urges Timothy not to let that happen and says he…

Beware of False Teachers – 1 Timothy 4:1-11

For centuries there have been false teachers that have propagated contradictory doctrines. These false doctrines will often infiltrate the church in subtle ways and can catch the church off guard. It is imperative that the church is well grounded in the truth to protect itself from such ‘doctrines of devils.’ The Bible Knowledge Commentary says,…

The Deacons – 1 Timothy 3:8-16

There is a battle that often rages in local churches concerning the authority structure of the church. Some churches are set up in such a way that the Deacons have ultimate authority in the church, and nothing can be done without their consent. In other churches, the authority lies with various committees. Some churches are…